The benefits of having us as part of your team is threefold

Following our model of Collaboratively Creating Capability, Blue Quest Group aims to bring exceptional asset management services to our clients. Our goal is to work with your organisation to improve the management strategy of your valuable assets, while reducing your overall risk exposure and operating costs.  We believe that an integrated approach that considers the critical aspects of your business remains one of the key drivers of success.  Implemented in a phased approach, your business will be able to achieve the highest of benchmark standards in your industry.

More Reliable equipment

Preventative attention to assets result in a reduction in unexpected failures.  This in turn minimises corrective or unplanned repairs, which in themselves increases operational benefits and reduce costs.  Furthermore, by understanding the end effects of Asset failures, we can help you to focus your resources and budgets on the right things at the right time.   This focus will help you to relate asset condition, costs and long-term planning.  It is seldom ok to think it’s cheaper to replace the bearings, in lieu of just regularly changing the oil.

Assets become Safer

It is a truth universally acknowledged that improving the Availability of your Assets result in reduced Workplace injuries.  Risks that come with emergency repairs not only reduces your operational capability, but it places unnecessary stresses on your workforce, which can lead to unsafe work practises.  This negative feedback loop inevitably causes you to do the wrong thing quicker.  We can help turn this around.

Improved Regulatory Compliance

Every System has Critical components.  You need to know where they are, what condition they are in, and what their failure will mean for your business.  Not understanding these Assets will exposing yourself to Safety, Legal and Reputational risks.   You cannot know what you don’t measure.  From Regulatory and Life Cycle viewpoints, knowledge is the power that will keep your lights on.

To achieve these we offer the following services:

  • Failure Mode and Root Cause Analysis
  • Life extension assessments
  • Criticality and Condition assessments
  • Equipment strategies
  • Guidance in risk management
  • Development of Configuration Management processes
  • Inventory review and optimisation
  • Optimisation of Maintenance planning & scheduling
  • Training of maintenance personnel
  • ISO 55000 Assessments
  • Implementation of asset management systems, plans and processes
  • Operations and Maintenance policies and procedures
  • Development of predictive asset management strategies
  • Optimisation of information and electronic maintenance management systems
  • Cross Financial and Maintenance information system interface development
  • Development of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
  • Life Cycle Costing data management solutions